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Diamo un'occhiata alle 27 armi di categoria mitica attualmente presenti in Anthem

Dovrete sudare parecchio per metterci le mani sopra.

In giochi come Diablo 3, Destiny 2 e ovviamente Anthem il giocatore è alla costante ricerca di nuovi e sempre più potenti pezzi di equipaggiamento da utilizzare in battaglia. Spesso tali oggetti non sono solo caratterizzati da alte statistiche, ma possiedono anche talenti e capacità speciali.

Come riporta Gamerant, le armi di categoria mitica sono tra gli strumenti più potenti (seconde solo alle leggendarie) all'interno di Anthem, sono indicate col colore arancione e per essere rinvenute bisognerà giocare i contratti Leggendari o le Roccaforti. Un utente Reddit ha pubblicato una lista di tutte le armi mitiche (inclusi i loro effetti speciali) al momento disponibili nel TPS di BioWare, che potete trovare qui sotto:

  • Sentinel's Vengeance grenade launcher - Aftershock: Grenade sticks to an enemy. Detonates an area acid effect on a small hit-streak.
  • Soothing Touch marksman's rifle - Striker's Balance: Hitting an enemy reduces weapon recoil.
  • Close Encounter heavy pistol - Scout's Fury: Dashing increases weapon damage by 75% for 10 seconds.
  • Avenging Herald heavy pistol - Raptor's Deadeye: Hovering increases weapon damage by 200%.
  • Insult And Injury grenade launcher - Bombardier: Grenades bounce before exploding. Victor's Bulwark: Defeating an enemy clears harmful status effects and boosts effect resistance by 75% for 10 seconds.
  • Fist of Stral autocannon - Striker's Fury: Hitting enemies increases weapon damage by 10% for 5 seconds. Stacks to 10.
  • Radiant Fortress shotgun - Constrictor: Hitting 8 shots in a single burst recharges shields by 35%.
  • Wyvern Blitz sniper rifle - Raptor's Sense: Hovering while firing increases weapon weak point damage by 40%.
  • Elemental Rage assault rifle - Veteran's Furor: Hitting Elite enemies increases all elemental damage by 5% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 20.
  • Truth of Tarsis sniper rifle - Devastator: Ammunition explodes on contact. Hitting weak points on enemies under a status effect will set off a chain combo.
  • Unending Battle machine pistol - Gladiator's Wrath: Hitting an elite or higher enemy at point-blank range, weapon and melee damage increases by 110% for 5 seconds.
  • Death From Above marksman rifle - Raptor's Sense: While hovering, increases weak point damage by 65%.
  • Vassa's Surprise machine pistol - Hailstorm: Fastest, but least accurate machine pistol. On a melee hit, gain 25% ammo in the magazine.
  • Ralner's Blaze assault rifle - Hammerhead: Hardest hitting assault weapon. Ignites the target while on a five hit-streak.
  • Renewed Courage light machine gun - Survivor's Balance: Last shot reduces recoil by 50% for the next 20 seconds. Stacks to 2.
  • Balm of Gavinicus grenade launcher - Lurker: Detonate mines manually. Hitting 2 enemies restores 25% armor.
  • The Last Stand autocannon - Gambler's Wrath: When suit health declines, all weapon damage increases by 75% for 10 seconds.
  • Artinia's Gambit light machine gun - Relentless: When reloading, detonates a Combo explosion in the immediate area.
  • Glorious Result heavy pistol - Gunslinger's Fury: Hitting two enemy weak points quickly increases all weapon damage by 150% for 5 seconds.
  • Papa Pump shotgun - Scattershot: Reloading increases force and delivers bonus damage of 150% for 5 seconds. Stacks to 2.
  • Thunderbolt of Yvenia light machine gun - Scout: Has a 33% chance to deal large electric damage.
  • Cycle of Pain light machine gun - Marksman's Swiftness: Weak point hits increase weapon rate of fire by 10% for 10 seconds. Stacks to 10.
  • Endless Siege autocannon - Torrent: Base magazine size is increased by 100% and base damage is increased by 100%.
  • Retaliation of Garretus machine pistol - Gambler's Wrath: When suit health declines, weapon damage increases by 125% for 10 seconds.
  • Rolling Carnage shotgun - Scout's Advantage: Dashing increases this weapon's damage by 50% for 20 seconds. Stacks to 3.
  • Divine Vengeance assault rifle - Warden: Four shot burst. Every third weak point hit causes large fire explosions.
  • Siege Breaker sniper rifle - Whirlwind: combination assault and sniper rifle. On a three hit-streak, shots freeze the target.

Anthem sarà disponibile ufficialmente a partire dal 22 febbraio, se volete saperne di più vi invitiamo a dare un'occhiata alla nostra anteprima.

Cosa ne pensate? Avete trovato qualche arma che compare nella lista?