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Mortal Kombat 11 si aggiorna con bilanciamenti e nuove brutality

In vista dell'arrivo del nuovo DLC.

In previsione dell'arrivo di un nuovo personaggio, è pratica comune per un picchiaduro aggiornarsi al fine di bilanciare il parco lottatori e Mortal Kombat 11 non fa eccezione.

Come riporta Gamingbolt, gli sviluppatori hanno infatti pubblicato un patch note dedicato al nuovo aggiornamento di Mortal Kombat 11, oltre ad introdurre i bilanciamenti citati sopra, segnaliamo l'arrivo di diverse nuove brutality (che al momento non sono specificate). Di seguito trovate tutto quello che vi serve sapere:

General Gameplay Adjustments

  • Move list corrections
  • Improvements to AI logic
  • Fixed several rare online desync causes
  • Fixed minor visual issues related to some Brutalities
  • Removed a rare crash that could occur after a Quitality
  • Fixed an issue that cause users to lose controller functionality when trying to record an AI command after pausing the game with very specific timing
  • Trying to Practice Reset while waiting in a KOTH lobby will no longer sometimes reset twice in a row
  • Added an Easy Krushing Blows option to Practice Mode's Practice Options which will bypass most Krushing Blow's conditional requirements
  • Added Random Hidden option to Practice Mode AI Options' Playback Recording Slot selection
  • Added several new Brutalities for players to discover
  • Added Variation info to the pause menu and some multiplayer online loading screens
  • Added Kombat League online game mode. Season I (The Season of Blood) starts on June 18th
  • Ranked Sets (only available when a Kombat League season is not active) are now a first to 2 match set


  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause players to be locked out of the armory after getting the Spear
  • Removed the ability to get out of bounds of the environment under certain circumstances
  • Removed a rare crash when exploring the Krypt after playing several hours of Towers of Time
  • All Skeleton Key Gates will now reward some currency when opened Towers of Time
  • Adjusted the difficulty of some starting towers on some tower platforms
  • Added new Boss Fights & rewards
  • Added new Tower Platform rewards

Mortal Kombat 11 è disponibile su PS4, Xbox One, Switch e PC.