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Destiny 2: tutte le novità dell'aggiornamento

Nuove missioni, obiettivi e molto altro.

Nelle ultime ore Bungie hanno condiviso qualche dettaglio in più sulle novità che la nuova patch introdurrà in Destiny 2. Se siete curiosi di sapere cosa vi aspetta, di seguito vi riportiamo il patch note provvisorio pubblicato dal team di sviluppo:

  • Moments of Triumph has been extended through 9/17.
  • Gambit Prime and Reckoning weapon reward rates will be highly increased.
  • They will also have bad-luck protection to guarantee a drop after a set amount of runs.
  • Reckoning difficulty will be tuned to be more welcoming as you hunt for rewards.
  • BrayTech Schematics will no longer have a daily lockout and will give better chances toward weapons that players do not own.
  • Mountaintop and Wendigo GL3 pinnacle quests will become more accessible.
  • Specific quest objectives will be tuned based on player feedback
  • There will be multiple weeks of increased Valor and Infamy to look forward to in September.
  • Iron Banner will be accompanied by increased Valor in each event.
  • As the season comes to a close, Menagerie chests will become more rewarding as Calus sees fit.
  • On the week of Destiny 2 Update, we'll be hosting a Community Challenge of sorts. Stay tuned for more details.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep sarà disponibile su PC, Xbox One e PS4 a partire dal primo ottobre.

Cosa ne pensate? State ancora giocando al titolo Bungie?

FONTE: Gamingbolt