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Disponibile il primo aggiornamento di Apex Legends, pubblicata la patch note completa

Risolti bug ed aumentata la stabilità generale del gioco.

Respawn ha da poco pubblicato il primo aggiornamento per il suo battle royale Apex Legends, secondo quanto riportato da patch note (che potete trovare a fine news) l'aggiornamento va a risolvere alcuni bug, oltre a lavorare sul miglioramento della stabilità generale. E' stato anche risolto il bug che permetteva ad alcuni utenti di duplicare gli oggetti nell'inventario ed ovviamente non mancheranno oggetti cosmetici dedicati al giorno di San Valentino.

Di seguito potete trovare il patch note completo, riportato da DSOG:

Valentines Days

  • Added "Live Die Live" Banner Badge: Revive a member of your squad between 2/13 and 2/19 to earn this limited time badge.
  • Added Valentines Day cosmetic items to the store. They will be live and available in the store starting 2/13 until 2/19 and then they're gone!
  • "Through the Heart" Longbow Epic DMR skin
  • "Love of the Game" Pathfinder banner frame?

Stability/ Bugs/ Performance/ QoL

  • Various improvements and tweaks to UI.
  • Extended timeout that was causing players with slower hard drives to crash.
  • Addressed a number of client and server stability issues.
  • Fixed exploit where you could keep duplicating items in your inventory.
  • Addressed a number of stability and performance issues.
  • Fixed issue where players would get a gray screen in lobby when connecting for the first time.
  • Fixed issue where your friends list showed all your friends as offline and unable to party.
  • Shortened duration of Bloodhound's Eye of the Allfather clones to remain in the world by 1 second.?


  • Arc Star now displays a grenade warning indicator.

King's Canyon

  • Addressed a number bugs with map geo like holes you could fall through and areas that players could get stuck in plus a bunch of other polish issues.

Apex Legends è disponibile su PC, Xbox One e PS4.

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